Personal finance is a very crucial area of our lives because it has the power to impact all other areas of our lives.
So making informed financial decisions is really important.
Before you make those decisions, you must know what you're dealing with exactly.
Do you ever wonder how many people truly grasp the concept of money? Or what exactly currency is? And what about inflation or the dollar standard? It's fascinating to think about how the world economy is interconnected, isn't it?
I bet many of you have some answers to these questions, but the tricky part is that most of us have acquired our knowledge about money from various unreliable sources.
And with a lot of financial products coming into the market like credit cards, mutual funds, digital gold, etc. we lack confidence in making financial decisions.
We aim to provide you with a solid understanding of money starting from its origins, empowering you to make informed choices. Let's explore key historical events that have influenced the development of today's economy.
Make sure to go through each of these articles in order to grasp the fundamental concepts of money, finance, and related terms. It's best not to skip any unless you're already familiar with the topic.